Sunday, 4 October 2009

First posting

This is the first posting for the Antipodean Mariner. Why a blog? I can't into the whole Facebook obsession, and anyway - our company's server blocks the site. Penning a blog every couple of weeks seems a perfect way to (hopefully) condense the interesting from the mundane.

In the course of my role as an SME (subject matter expert) in the marine field, I get to travel al lot and get involved with some interesting projects involving port developments, ships and general troubleshooting for my company. Within the bounds of commercial confidentiallity (and keeping my job!), I'll share some stories, thoughts and opinions about shipping and my other passion - motorcycling.

How did this all evolve? I sailed in merchant ships for 13 years (1977-1991) as a deck officer, mostly on oil tankers, and hold a Masters Foreign Going certificate. I was fortunate to be given the opportunity to 'swallow the anchor' before the lifestyle and money at sea became too seductive. Since leaving the sea in 1991, I've worked in New Zealand, London, Connecticut and now Australia mostly in operational roles connected with the shipping industry. On the journey, I've been fortunate to have been supported by my partner and employers to undertake post-gradute study, and completed an MBA in 1995.

What's going to be featured? Hopefully, out of the way places, opinions on what's good and whats bad about the global maritime industry. Global commerce is supported by transportation, and largely it's a faceless and poorly represented industry. How many journalists really know the difference betwen a tanker and a container ship? What's the human story behind those slow motion, classical music montages of penguins, seabirds and seals after a major shipping disaster? What actually happened to the crew?

On the lighter side, there will be tales from an informal bunch of riders know as 'Shafted' - most current or ex-mariners with bikes. 'Shafted' ride about six times a year, and the formula is simple:- ride, pitch tent, drink, ride home. So long as everyone follows the formula, no problems, Never, never try to pitch your tent after drinking - the formula doesn't work!

This is my current ride, a BMW F800ST. I also have an old '84 BMW K100RT which someday I'll restore, but in the meantime am happy to take out for the odd Sunday ride.

The Antipodean Mariner

4th October 2009

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