According to Lloyd's List Intelligence, Rena has seven holds, six forward of the accommodation/engine room and one aft above the after peak tank and steering flat.

The Antipodean Mariner isn't privy to any confidential information, but speculates that Holds 1, 2, 3 and 4 are flooded from the visible damage in way of the starboard hatch cover at Bay 8. If this speculation is correct, the aft end retains buoyancy in Holds 5, 6, the engine room and after peak tank.
Subject to weather, the AM believes the salvors will work 'aft to forward', pinning the already damaged and flooded No.4 hold and double bottoms on Astrolabe Reef. When enough of the full containers have been discharged, and there is a clear weather window, the salvors will make No.4 Hold temporarily watertight and attempt a refloating.
The AM heard a great quote recently - All you need to be a Blogger is an opinion and a good spell checker. This summary predicted from the comfort of the Antipodean Mariner's keyboard 1,500 nautical miles away from Astrolabe Reef.
Bravo! Here's hoping this becomes correct - it definately seems smart now that the ship is determined to divorce itself. :D
ReplyDeleteBy the way, given comments on Maritime New Zealand, remember the starbord fuel tank was flooded - is that in the aft or fore section? Also, the engine area was not flooded when they were getting the fuel out of the engine tanks. Of course that could have changes in the past weeks... I look forward to how MNZ will spin this come January 5th, when they have said they are resuming daily updates.