"Such was the compressive force of the swell, we saw a multitude of both 20 foot and 40 foot containers being forced out through the top of open hatchways. Some went straight overboard and remained intact, to float away to the North north-west. The not so fortunate ones were split open on deck, spewing their contents everywhere."
"We could see the accommodation, rolling and pitching independently of the bow section, as if like a wild animal, struggling to free itself from a hunters snare or gin trap."
Rena's shorn-off bow showing the remains of the port underdeck longitudinal girders and the port hatch coaming of the stern awash. On the starboard side is a dislodged hatch pontoon.

GO Canopus remains on station and attached to Rena's stern while Singapore performs recon duties tracking flotsam
As a mariner, it's sad to witness the death of a ship - even from afar.
Maybe we need to commission new larger shipping vessels for increased logistics instead of overloading fleets of small older vessels only to see them torn to shreds by swells? Who's willing to invest the funds for new ships? Corporations attempting to sell goods? This could be a bright idea! It's more advantageous than reckoning flotsam that will never be recovered.