Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Roll call at Astrolabe Reef

The crane barge 'Smit Borneo' garners most of the headlines, as she strips the Rena's decks of containers. But there is a cast of supporting craft out at Astrolabe Reef acting as maritime "roadies" for the main act.

GO Canopus, Dynamically Positioned AHTS laying anchors for Smit Borneo

Bunker barge Awanuia, removing bunkers and lubes

Waka Kume, pull-back tug for Awanuia to keep her clear of Rena's stern

Tug Katea and Sea-Tow 60, shuttling containers to Tauranga

Sea-Tow's tug Koraki

Tug Maui 1

Landing barge Subritsky

Tug Wainui towing barge Pohonui, which carried the worst of the decomposing reefer containers

Tug Petra G

Tug Pacific Pearl, her RIB Black Pearl astern and RIB Genesis

Today's report from the site is that the weather is deteriorating at Astrolabe Reef as the tail end of ex-Tropical Cyclone Fina crosses the North Island. Anchor relaying are the orders of the day.

The Antipodean Mariner


  1. Appreciate what you're doing here - I follow the NZ Incident Timeline over at Maritime New Zealand, but their coverage is spotty at best. Thanks for the updates!
